This blog must be cleansed in fire...
Hopefully this can heal some of the damage that Rod's love of all things ass has wrought.
A collection of links, news, and plain ol' goofy stuff from the maniacs at Organized Chaos, Inc., the home of adventure since 1990.
Hopefully this can heal some of the damage that Rod's love of all things ass has wrought.
Posted by
Tom W.
12:27 PM
hey... someone sprung the "what what" video on me... i needed to share! It's kinda like the ring. I have to make you fucks watch it so I dont get ass raped.
Worst. J-Horror. Flick. Evar.
"Hey, didja hear about this great music video?? If you watch it, and don't make someone else see it in seven days, you turn gay!!?"
Somebody call the Wayans brothers, I got their new project ...
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