Con Goodness?
How was the convention... anything wacky happen?
New games?
New takes on old games?
New venerial diseases?
A collection of links, news, and plain ol' goofy stuff from the maniacs at Organized Chaos, Inc., the home of adventure since 1990.
How was the convention... anything wacky happen?
New games?
New takes on old games?
New venerial diseases?
Posted by
9:46 PM
Well, some stuff I can talk about; the rest will have to wait for Saturday:
- cheap hotels pretty much suck. Sent them a nastygram earlier today.
- the gamers in Ohio are frickin' awesome!
- Andy Hopp is out of his ever-lovin' mind.
- Mike's Place is Mecca for Dorks. Awesome food!!!
- Tim needs to work on his blurb writing skills. :)
- Geeks do two things well: game and eat. Dressing ourselves we still need to work on.
- Lesbians in chain-mail halter tops will flash geeks playing Guitar Hero at 2 AM in the morning. ("Oh Billy!!!")
- Guitar Hero is evil. It will make you miss lesbians in chain mail bikinis flashing you. ("Just one more song ... just one more song ...")
- Beholder piƱatas are really hard to bust open.
- Do not eat lunchmeat that has been sitting in a cooler for three days.
- If you do eat lunchmeat that has been sitting in a cooler for three days, don't be surprised when you need to pull off the I-80 to hork in a McDonald's rest stop.
- Ted's Hot Sauce is the new official food of Con on the Cob.
That's all I got for the moment. Tom and Mel, do you have anything to add?
- Outdoor room entrances not such a good idea in Ohio, there is something called SNOW in the midwest ya know
- Tops no longer exists in Northern OH
- Damn it, its POP not SODA
- I now know where all the good rest stops are to and from Kent
- London's chocolate ROCKS!
- don't eat the lunch meat
- don't drink the water
- Tom is too tall for the bed (sorry man)
- Erin can make a gamer feel uncomfortable ("and then, and then" I call it payback for all the times I got cornered by the ultimate geeks in the game stores)
I think you guys covered it. I had a great freakin time. Savage Worlds gamers are some of the coolest people on the planet and a whole lot of fun to drink with.
Bass Ale is my friend. :)
I'll put a link in the blog when Mike and Steve put out their pdf convention report.
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