Friday, February 29, 2008

Well, what do YOU call 'em??

My favorite was "Screaming Yellow Zonkers" ...

I know who I'm voting for.

They make it all so clear to me now....

Thursday, February 28, 2008

And Jimmy's Response

Where the whole thing started

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Monday, February 25, 2008

So, I want to get more than one take...

But if I hit someone in the head with an axe, I am pretty sure they wont let me do it again.

So I make a fake axe. I'ma cut the blade off where it is supposed to be buried in the head. I am going to "age" the real axe, then paint the fake to match.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Festivals and Shows.

Here is the list of stuff that I have every intention of attending this year.

Horrorfind Weekend: March 28-March 30. Baltimore, MD (there is going to be another HF weekend in August - I will probably go to that one instead).
Buffalo Niagara International Film Festival: March 24-March 29 (I am part of the staff for this one).
Rue Morgue Festival of Fear: August 22-August 24. Toronto.
Rotten Jacks Creep Show: September 20.
Eerie Horror Fest: October 9-October 12. Erie, PA.
After Dark Film Festival: October 19-October 25. Toronto.


Monday, February 18, 2008

Upcoming Convention Schedule

I know Brian and Tom asked about these, so I figured I'd post the dates for as many game conventions as I'm aware of this year, as well as which ones I'm planning on attending. Feel free to post any other events that should be included:

  • SimCon: March 27 - March 30. I've signed up to run two events on that Saturday.
  • UBCon: April 11-13. I'm planning on running two events here. We'll see how well attended they are.
  • Western New York Savages: April 19. This is being put together by some guys out of Rochester and being held at SUNY Geneseo. Not sure yet how good the turn-out will be, but we'll see.
  • Origins: June 25 - June 29. Can't go to this one; my sister's getting married that weekend ... more's the pity.
  • GenCon: August 14 - 17. The big one; wouldn't miss this for the world!
  • Con on the Cob: October 2 - 5. Another one I wouldn't miss for anything; just too damn much fun.
More shows as I find out about them. I know that Rod mentioned a date for the Creep Show this year, but I don't remember it off-hand. I'm sure he'll put it up soon ...

Thursday, February 14, 2008

It's here ...

It's finally here ...

God help me, I believe ...

Cthulhu breaks wind and the navy invents a word to describe it.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

This'll kill a few hours

TV Tropes is a web site dedicated to cataloging the various tropes and clichés present in most modern media. I lost about an hour to it today. Be warned, it's a real time sink.

Ernie and Bert go BRUTAL

Along the same lines as that Turtles vid ...

Full Auto Shotgun

I squealed a bit with glee...

Teenage Mutant Hardcore Turtles

Ready to Roll

Sunday, February 10, 2008

RIP Roy Scheider.

We're gonna need a bigger boat.

G'night Roy.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Chewbaca Tasered???

This one gets funnier the more you watch. You can hear the guys at the end saying "Chewbaca" LOL

Friday, February 01, 2008